There are one-oh-one reasons that you should go for it...
It's the most original movie I've seen. Not based on book, comic, game, or any other sources. It's totally ground-breaking, remarkably complex and layered. Fantastic dreamscapes to be explored, and very perspective-challenging. It's a one film that does not assume that it is playing to an audience made up of 8-year-olds. It rightfully assumes that audience can embrace the complex ideas. You would probably get a headache after the movie. I did... information overload. My friend told me he even spilled his Coke at one scene! Lol.
It's the product of an amazing Nolan-DiCaprio team-up, and a supporting dream team cast consisting Micheal Caine, Ken Watanable, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Marion Cotillard, Ellen Page, Tom Hardy, Cillian Murphy, and more. Any movie that is starring Leo DiCaprio, I'll go for it. He is not just a pretty face. Not anymore the boy from Titanic. If you have seen Blood Diamond, or the recent Shutter Island, you would understand what I actually meant. And it's developed from the director of The Dark Night. So you know the quality is there.
After you have seen it, it could be the only thing you will want to talk about for at least the next week. Walking out of the movies do left us with meta questions. If I were to get something to be learnt out of this movie, I would say that ideas are contagious, powerful and unstoppable and these ideas shape the way we live and think. It makes you wonder how you have become the person you are now, and explores how the things you have experienced have affected the decisions you made and will make. An article even said that after seeing it, one won't just like Inception, one will be a better person. Lol.
So... what you are waiting for?
Buy a ticket to see it!
Let's get yourself be drawn into the world of subconscious espionage!
And be entertained the hell out of Inception!
P/S: In case you would like to discover more, and clarify things, read this to get the answers for the questions that are playing in your mind after you have seen the movie. Only AFTER you have seen the movie!