I hate Justin Timberlake. I adore his abs (which he keeps showing off since Friends for Benefits). But I hate him. Perhaps it's his look. Perhaps it's his voice. Perhaps I don't know why. Hence, I don't intend to spend my bucks, confined to space limited only to my butt for 2 hours, watching a movie played by J. Timberlake. But babe persuaded me to it. It's for his birthday. And Amanda Seyfried looks so sophisticated yet cute in her pixie-cut hair.
But boy I tell you, as soon as the movie starts, I fell in love with the story! It's so sarcastic in a way that what is played reflects the reality of the world that we are all living in. It displays the conspiracy of the rich!
In Time, a sci-fi action thriller, is set in a world where time is the ultimate currency. Human are genetically engineered to stop aging when they hit 25 (oh I know you hope it's true in reality), and the bright fluorescence green timer on their arms will start ticking with a year left to live on. Unless you can buy your way out of it. The rich "earns" decades at a time, and hence become essentially immortal, while the rest have to work, beg, borrow, or steal enough hours to make it through a day. When a poor young man suddenly comes into a fortune of time, a series of misfortunes bestowed upon him instead - he is too late to prevent his mother from dying and he was accused for the murder of a billionaire. Angered, he is off to set things right, his way.
I do not intend to tell you the entire storyline, you need to watch it for yourself. But I would like to highlight a few of my observations and understanding of the messages the story is portraying, or so I thought it is.
The rich has developed a system that put the world in order. With this system, people from poorer time zone will never have the time to make it to the richer time zone. They were made to work for them in factories, etc. and earn only enough time, and sometimes lesser than what they deserve, to live day to day. In the mean time, the time to buy a cup of coffee, for instant, sky-rocketed just overnight. The rich sickly believes that for a few to live on forever, many must die. Hence, they created time banks to loan time to needy, with superbly high interest that you might have to pay for with all the time in your life! - and the time earned through the interest flows to the rich. Imagine the wealth of time they have to live on for centuries!
Doesn't this sound familiar to you? Reflect what are written above on the reality that we are living in. I mean, 90% of the people that constitute the lower and middle income classes of our society are working in jobs for the 10% of the super rich who create those jobs. We (I assume most of us are still categorized under the 90%) earn a living by being paid peanuts on those jobs that we work on day to day. It's a never-ending rat race. In the mean time, prices of goods never seems to be decreasing and we could afford them lesser. It's called inflation. The super rich wants to be rich forever (if everyone starts earning more money, they will no longer be regarded as the super rich anymore), and hence they need to keep us poor, and thus they created/ controlled banks. The banks nowadays are like modern day loan sharks, except that they are legitimate ones. They loan money to people who can barely even repay the sky-high interests.
There are many more scenes in the movie that you can relate to our reality. In fact, every pieces of the movie reflect many things in our lives. But you have got to watch it yourself and have fun debating/ discussing among your mates.
Robert T. Kiyosaki's Conspiracy of the Rich is all coming back to me. Of course, no one wants to die, we all wish to live on forever. If you want to change your reality, go grab this book and read it. It reveals the conspiracy of the super rich in the world - people who controlled the world's banks/ the flow of currencies. It tells the simple fact that to be rich, we need to play their game (but less ruthlessly). For instant, we can either be the ones creating jobs and/or be a legitimate (or illegitimate *kidding*) loan shark. This book, to me, is more practical than the rest of the Rich Dad series as the author himself tells us the ways he has used throughout the years to be in the 10% today, which can definitely be copied and you won't be branded a plagiariser.
Okay, a movie review is now turning into a book review. I don't want to bore you, so I'll quicky wrap things up. I still dislike J. Timberlake. Notice hatred has now turned into only dislike? Haha. But he certainly needs some, or more brushing up in being the lead hero, who should be guiding us through an unfamiliar world. Amanda Seyfried is all grown-up and chicly sexy in this movie.. long gone were the days when she played Sophie Sheridan in Mamma Mia! But sadly, there is still no breakthrough in this role.
Anyway, if there is only one thing you can register in your overly occupied mind after reading this long entry, remember this - TIME IS MONEY. TIME IS POWER.
Anyway, if there is only one thing you can register in your overly occupied mind after reading this long entry, remember this - TIME IS MONEY. TIME IS POWER.