"Ya right..." The crowd half-booed. As if their energy dries off. Perhaps drained by the intolerable and suffering massive jam.
Guinness: "6 million pints of Guinness is consumed daily worldwide. Here's to Arthur!"
"To Arthurrrrrr..." Again... the crowd said with a drowning rrrrr. Half raising their glasses to cheers, if only they have one in their hands.
Carlsberg: "Step aside! Come with me if you wanna know Where's The Partyyyyy!"
A robotic voice pierced through the night air! I thought it sounded almost like Optimus Prime. In no time, the air above swirled, winds beating on our faces and oh my hair! And o.m.g... is that a... wait I don't know what it is called. A helicopter? A spaceship? Hell I don't care... It's coming for us. I don't know how but I just knew it! I reach out my hands to it. Hoping for some miracle to happen, like being sucked into it and transported to wherever the party is. Soon enough at a blink of an eye, I'm there!
Ftw! I just telepathed!
And oops... Carlsberg just kicked Guinness on the ass!
First thing first, don't get me wrong. I love the Guinness brand, thought it looks cool with all the black and gold colors combination. I love drinking Guinness too, especially from the bottle, the draught one tastes a little bit more bitter though.
But put aside my love for Guinness, Guinness Arthur's Day 2011 sucks. And that's a fact, at least to me. If the Guinness team wants to brand their party as the party of the year, they better put in 120% more effort the next time.
Okay, enough about Guinness. Let's talk about Carlsberg's "Where's The Party". If I'm not wrong, this is the second installation of such themed event organized by Carlsberg. From a consumer point of view, I think it is really an interesting, out of the box branding idea. The alcoholic beverages industry in Malaysia is a semi-dark industry. With so many restriction imposed on the industry, marketing has become very challenging. I applause for the ones who thought about this. It manages to significantly differentiate itself and stand out from its competitors of which I will not name; instead of creating the usual buzz about a party/event of the scale as big as this, the title and mystery in itself creates wonders. The way the Carlsberg's marketing team made it so secretive is actually kind of alluring to many party peeps out there. Whether you like it or not, we people always are being pulled into some secretive and forbidden agenda, and that's why the Twilight Saga made such a big hoo-hah. And Carlsberg manage to bank on this dark side of human.
So, where's the party this year? I heard babe said the party was at Sepang Gold Coast last year and there were so many interesting games to play. I really am anticipating somewhere some place like beach side... until we were brought to... Carlsberg's factory. What a surprise *duh*.
Arriving at Shah Alam Stadium for registration
Met someone there
After registering ourself, each of us have one of this
The RFID tag which is linked to your Facebook account.
Now this is cool!
Us in the bus waiting to be ferried to the party's site
which the ambassador still remained very secretive of it at this point of time
It's raining heavily out there
But it doesn't stop the people from attending this awesome party
We were approached with a very warm welcoming
with pretty chicks and drum beats
See the foods stalls and beer booths?
Everything FREE FLOW all day long
See... Babe was so happy seeing all the free satayyyy that he can have
It's best to eat some ice creams when it's chilly
Met my colleagues - Jimmy & JenQ
Alex finally arrived
It looks like they have moved the entire fun fair here to this factory site of Carlsberg. I was quite taken aback, in a pleasant way, when I discovered that games are prepared for us to explore. There were also prizes to be won by playing and winning over the simple criteria of the games.
The magnificent Ferris Wheel :)
The Pirate Ship... Probably the scariest of all that I've ride because there was no safety belt for you to buckle yourself up!
Didn't manage to ride this because the queue is crazy.
Should be fun!

There were so many mini games we couldn't care less to take any photos but just to enjoy them... Here are some of the photos show casing the some of mini games available. Taken from Carlsberg's albums @ Facebook.
Night befall upon us and hey, the party still keep on going because the night is still young! It's time for the concert now! Let's rock!
What makes this party even more awesome was when Soren, the managing director of Carlsberg Malaysia, came on stage and did some rapping! He totally rocked the stage. Seriously, I salute him. How many managing director would actually do or can do that? Greattt... Just greattt!
The crowd
We left earlier before the party end, catching the first bus back to Shah Alam stadium where our cars rest.
There are some rooms for improvement though, like better location and giving us a list of the mini games available for enjoyment so we wouldn't miss any bit of them. But, in conclusion, this party totally rocks!
Carlsberg, totally the party rocker! Yeah!