Plashhhh... Rain splashed when we were about to hit the road. 9:30a.m.
*roll eyes* Why izzit that the weather were so darn hot a few days ago, but rained on this particular day, this particular morning, when we gonna kick start our family vacation to Cameron Highlands??? God must be kidding...
But... but, maybe he wanna clean up the dusty air, fill it with mist, so we get to enjoy the freshest air @ the highlands... *squint* ^.^
And so, ignoring the weather, we moved on with our trip (which is 1 hour behind schedule... hehehe)! Hooray~!
We kick start our journey despite the not-so-good weather~!
Poor Bobo gotta stay @ home while everyone's out for the trip...
The First Stop -- Butterfly Farm
A farm full of butterflies, and also some other reptiles, such as snakes, tarantula... eeeww...
There are only a few species of butterflies, which in my opinion are not so beautiful like what I had seen before... Heh. But still, it's quite a nice trip inside this farm... and the camwhoring started!!Most of the butterflies in this farm are of this species only...
My mom was so daring to wanting to kiss the butterfly!
Haha!! Musta scared Alvin like hell larh... LOL!
~Pretty sis with a butterfly~
Butterflies scattered everywhere on the floor.We hafta walk so carefully else we could easily be murderer!!
This buggie wouldn't let go of my sis, and sticked itself on her back! Geliiii...Musta fall in love with her liao... Blek~
Gotcha!! But... something happened...
Eeeewww... The buggie shyted on her hand!Well... it never came to my mind that butterflies can shyt... and it's green... ahaha...
Dad & Mom studying the specimens of those bugs & insects...While we children busy taking photos~! =)
The Second Stop -- BOH Tea Centre
Yahoo~!!! I had been longing for this~!!! I seriously think that this is the place where Cameron Highlands' visitors should pay a visit! Let these pictures below help me to explain my "why"...As we drove in the BOH tea plantation, we could see beds and beds of tea plants...
Halfway to the tea centre, we gotta go thru the tea bush walk to reach the destination~
Mom being naughty when dad don't wanna smile... so "zeng keng"... hahaha~!
Taken among bushes of teas... Nice~!
Bollywood eh?? Keke~!
Okies~! Lets climb the mountains~!!!Showing some love to mommy &
to give her some support to climb the hills!! Hehe^^
Like father like son~! =)They were so far in front already while we gurls were still below...
Mom felt it's so tiring to climb the tea bush walk...Maybe we should have drive up instead~
Laughing at mommy~! Hahaha... naughty eh?!?
AT LAST~!!! We reach the BOH tea centre~!!! Wahahaha!!! First thing first...Of course pose for a pic sin larh... Poor daddy hafta be the camera man! Haha...
Yeah~!! The nicest family photo we had for this trip!
Firstly we paid a visit to the tea processing factory. But there was no attendant to help us out or explain to us about the process. Such sucks a service!! There was 1 or 2 attendants at the waiting lounge's counter, but the female fellow just asked us to visit the factory ourselves. @#$%~! We wanna request a guide from the shyty attendant, but then dad thought it's okay for us to do it ourselves... And so...
with the help of some limited explanation on the boards.
Dad became our, or rather mom's tour guide liao...The rest of us either training to becoming a professional photograher, like Alvin in the pic...
Or finished the factory tour fast and waiting for the rest...
Or camwhoring like Grace...
Or ki-siao like me...
After the visit @ the tea processing factory, we took a rest at the cafe. It has a closed and an open-air area, and of course we chose to enjoy our teas @ the open-air area so that we could enjoy the cooling breeze of Cameron Highlands...Alvin sipping the Strawberry & Raspberry flavored tea, dad's choice...
It has a nice aroma but then the taste... heh... -.-"
No cheese cake for today and so we ordered the lemon buttered & strawberry cake...Erm... left only a piece of butter cake now... Haha... the tam-chiak family...
Mom trying out the peppermint tea...
See the tea pot? That's my choice -- palas supreme, the original BOH tea... turn out to be the best among those that we chose to try. (^.^)V
While enjoying our teas we enjoyed not only the really cool breeze,but the nice scenery as well~!
"Say cheese..." Cool cool deiii geh daddy still wouldn't smile at the camera... keke.But poor dad, he is having some cough...
As we were about to leave we figured we should take some pics...Oh ohh... not good... it started to rain... heavily!! T.T...
Everyone is starting to get weary...
"Rain rain go away, come again another day..." *humming*
Dad was the hero of the day!! With a borrowed umbrella,he went down the hill alone to drive the car up..."Erm... yeah... I can do this..."
While dad's gone to get the car up, I decided we should have some fun...
And thus we began to camwhore~! Again~!!!Grace was without her jacket and felt so cold..."It's ok... I'm here to shield you..."
Lets keep the secret to ourselves...
Audrey felt jealous and came over to give us her Hong Kong's leg...Smelly leg... eeewww... busuk busuk...
Grace & Alvin posed as if they were some sort of models for wrist watch...Eiii... Grace... That's not a watch wor...
"sek sei lei..." haha.
Mom joined us too... "Naughty boy I'm gonna bite you off!!!"
Ahh... help!!! Mommy they are bullying me!!
Haha!! Girl power~!! "man lei sei mei..."See Alvin's expression!!! OMG... LMAO~!
I tried to carry Alvin on my back but he's too heavy...
Oh no I think I cracked my back bone... T.T
Alvin said I'm useless and showed me how he could carry Grace...With only 1 leg!!!Hiak hiak hiak... Bluffing la him...
At last dad was here to pick us up! Hooray~!! He's my heroic daddy~!!Audrey was so tuched that she cried...
Haha... actually it's her contact lense giving her problem larh...
We were finally on the way to our next destination!The Third Stop -- EQ Strawberry Farm
At first we wanna visit Raju's Strawberry Farm, because it's the only strawberry farm that is not gated and we can curi-curi pluck some strawberry... hehehe. But then somehow we missed the stop, and so here we were... Here you have pay a minimum of RM20 (per 1/2 kg) to pick your own strawberries... but we did not. We figured we could just get some from the night market later because we couldn't eat that much~Mom & Dad posed when we were leaving the farm...
Nothing much we could do here since we were not plucking the strawberries ourselves...
Poor mom falled down cause of the slippery floor... Sayang...
We hit the road again and headed back to our hotel~ Yeah... I longed for a refreshing bath!!!