Arhhh... it felt so nice after a refreshing bath~! While waiting for the others to take their turn to bath, I started to do some silly things...
This is my sis, Audrey's jacket...
It's not the normal black jacket, and I find it kinda ridiculous...
She must prepared it for the winter time... thought she's living in Canada manybe... keke.
So "hong san oak sat..."
Mom purposely packed the same colored T-shirts for them both... shhh... keke.

The Fourth Stop -- The Charcoal Steamboat
We gotta wait because there were alot of customers in the restaurant... Look at my mom's "sien sien deii" geh look...

Wait... before that lets take a family photo first larh...

The ingredients were quite less at first look, we thought we gonna order extra later. But everyone was sooOOoo full when we finally finished our food. Luckily dad suggested us to finish the course first before ordering more. Phew... My tummy... so round like I'm expecting a baby jor~!
The Fifth Stop -- The Night Market
By the time we finished our charcoal steamboat, the skies turned dark and it's time for us to take a stroll at Cameron's night market. It was sizzling but we went for it nonetheless, after all we were already there.
Them buying the "Pearl Corns". Unlike the normal corns,
"Pearl Corns" can be eaten raw and they are sweet~!
"Pearl Corns" can be eaten raw and they are sweet~!

We bought a lot of stuff here in the night market, like Strawberries, home made ice-creams, and not forgetting to get some souvenirs for our friends. Yeah... ^.^
The night was still young but we figured we should get back hotel to get some early rest as we have more places to visit tomorrow. Furthermore there was not much night activities here in this quite-peaceful town... Err... I said "quite-peaceful" because we could hear motorcyclists racing on the streets. Somehow the Mat Rempits found their way to here in Cameron... *shrugs*
Groommm groommmm... 'effing Mat Rempits... Grr...
Alvin in his pyjamas... Looked so kelian coz we asked him to sleep on the floor.
Just joking larh... Wanna bully him a little bit.
Just joking larh... Wanna bully him a little bit.

We chatted a little before going to bed. As the clock ticked into midnight, the chitter chatters faded away too, and my family members landed themselves in dream land. Well, not all. Some were still awake like me. Some were having difficulties falling asleep as I could see them tossing on the beds... all thanks to the Mat Rempits, and also the Indians who spoken loudly at the downstairs' mamak. My dad snored loudly too.
2:15a.m. or so... everything went silent. All you can hear now is some far away sound released by some unidentified objects. Ohh... and dad's snores. T.T...
Oyasumi nasai~!
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