I'm sure many of us girls (I'm sure boys too) grew up learning about Rapunzel, a princess with luscious, 70 feet long of magical golden hair that we came to love and envy. In this retelling of Brother Grimm's fairytale, Rapunzel's hair would glow magically whenever it is sing to as a result of the inheritance of the magic in the magical flower. Though a little far-fetch, it's amazing to see that Rapunzel's blond locks could actually be used to do all kind of stuff. It makes me wonder what did she do with her hair to make it so strong? A little magic of course. Imagine mine can be that healthy and I don't hafta worry about breakage or split end. It is really all girls' dream.
See what I meant when I said she could do all kind of stuff with her hair!
In a Disney story like this, there is always an antagonist, who is lady in old age, ugly, and wicked. Don't you think this pattern always follows? Hmm... I wonder what is wrong with being old? Back to the story, the antagonist here is Mother Gothel, who kidnapped Rapunzel and isolated her in a tall tower so that she can selfishly own the magic inherited in Rapunzel's golden hair to keep herself young.
Disney's princesses' tale always involve princes. Rapunzel, on the contrary, has a bandit as the princess's true love. Though most wanted by the kingdom, Flynn Rider (real name is Eugene Fitzherbert) is also the most charming guy in town. Being a thief, he is definitely cheeky. Of course he falls for Rapunzel in the end, and it is good to see that how love could melt even the coldest heart.
Beside Rapunzel's golden hair, the next thing I love the most is Maximus - the super cop-like horse! LMAO, you really gotta see the movie for yourself!
Not forgetting Rapunzel's pet chameleon - Pascal, who is often mistaken as a frog. He is definitely a cute little thing. And I just wish real life chameleon would be that cute!
Walt Disney's princesses' stories always never failed to make me awed. Rapunzel: A Tangled Tale is all about the adventure, the humor, the romance, and not forgetting the musical. It is really a good piece of movie that you should invest your bucks in for a 2 hours of heart-warming moments.
I like this post.. Love it <3