Monday, April 27, 2009

Top 10 Things I Did During The Study Week


The 1 week study week is coming to an end soon, and as I sat down and flashback the days, I wondered what have I done? Hmm...?? And so I decided to do a list - The Top 10 Things I Did During The Study Week~!

10. Rushed on some notes (rajin leh... ^.^)
9. Watched movie (movie, not movies! Coz it's true for the 1 week I only watched 1 movie! *Proud Proud* Yeah, managed to control myself)
8. Blogging ;)
7. Slacking
6. Slept/ Napped
5. Facebook-ed
4. REVISED Entrepreneurial Finance
3. Thought about food
2. Tried to control the desire to munch on food (and the "oscar" goes to...)


That explained why I'm so bubbly now~!! Ish... I hate my bubbly face & dinosaur limbs!
Why? I don't understand... Why can't all the fats find their ways to reside on the 2Bs (Boobs & Booty) instead? If only they would leave my face & limbs free, and go for the 2Bs, I won't have so much torture when it comes to eating.
Hee... just joking anyways, some stupid thought I had during the slacking time. ;)

And as I visited my facebook, I can see many are posting PM such as "so sleepy... can't concentrate... hate preparing for final..." bla bla ba...
I wanna say... I'M THE SAME!!!
But then hey, this is the FINALE! The FINAL of our FINAL EXAMs (currently for this degree la har...)! There ain't gonna be anymore FINAL EXAM, this is the last and so... I'm gonna treasure it. I hate it but I'm gonna treasure it. Every moment...
The moment when I tried to stay awake while looking at the scribbled notes on the bed, when I poked, poked, and slammed on the calculator when I trying to get the figures right, when I took long bath coz trying to remember all the formulas or stuff that I just read while letting the water showered on my head... ...

But undeniably, I hate the "sufferings", especially the trying to not fall asleep part! 2 more weeks to go, 4 papers! JIAYOU~!!! ^^


  1. oh dear!! i have the exact feelings!! enjoy the finale sufferings!! there aint any exam after this!! gambate!

  2. Yup ganbatte and like they said... Own the papers~!!! Keke... good lucky luck!
