Today is our BIG DAY...Our so-called VIVA falls on today. According to some it should be called FYP-Final Year Presentation, because VIVA is for master degree level...-.-"
Anyways, VIVA or FYP, it will be our very last presentation in UTAR~! Now preparing and very the gan-jeong~! *chill*
Kelvin & Alex joked that it's just yet another presentation..."sap sap sap sui" they hummed~! -.-"
Ganbatte to my groupmates! We shall own this FYP! ;) Back to preparation sin...
Pheww... AT LAST~!!! It's over~! =) I think my group did pretty well... Job well done my friends! =)
The presentation + Q&A was 30 minutes, but it happened so fast as if we finished it in just a finger click... Heh... too exaggerated la... But honestly we felt like as if we finished it like around 15 mins only! The 1 year of time for preparing the business plan just vanish... Heh... feeling abit weird.
Well, without wasting our time Mama took out her camera and we start taking photos. Lotsa lotsa photos! Non-stop cam-whoring! Ishhh...
Posing with both our examiner for the day,
Ms. Quek & Ms. Hiew=)
Ms. Quek & Ms. Hiew=)
Mom's Haven Confinement Centre's management team=)
JY yau yeng betul~!XP
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