It's quiet this year.
On my 21st
=) : My beloved mom & dad threw me a big party @ ah-ma's house. Practically all the good food, except the cake, were prepared by mommy, with the help of my sis. She did not hafta go thru all that troubles, but nonetheless she did it for her candle princess. I was and am still so deeply touched. This is definitely the one thing that I will savour forever~! And for that necklace, oh I remember dad's stories in choosing what kind of necklace to gift it for my 21st... LOL. Thanks dad. *kiss kiss*
=( : I had chicken pox! T.T and that's why, I didn't camwhore at the party. What a waste~! @.@ That's why the memories MUST be locked in me forever~! I'll eat more Bio-Omega just because of this... kekeke XD
: It's our 21st, but regretfully we did not celebrate together, or even for each other. *Grrr* I should not be thinking about your birthday party nite and some other effin' nasty stuff now... Duhhh...
On my 20th
=) : I had 1 of my best birthday parties with K-Workers @ Old Town, Sg. Long. What a carzy nite~! The cake smashing, snookering, and ... something best if deleted forever... although it's kind of romantic at that moment... *shrugs*

I still remember a poem I presented to my dear K-Workers buddies that nite...
"Aku Cintakan Mu"
This day marks the growth of a little girl,
She looks around and she wonders,
How God has so love her,
Yesterdays were past but she still remembers,
The day we turned into friends and hug each other,
How each of you complete my album with cover,
Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to our friendship,
And allow me to stand here and say,
Aku Cintakan Semuamu! - Mellow
=( : Again, missed the celebration together... @.@
My family has this tradition of celebrating our birthday on the day's night. There will always be a cake and candle blowing... Always. Either it's a wonderful & yummy-licious dinner out, or having a fruits fiesta at home, steamboat, or even much-to-dad's-objection barbecue. It's somewhat our way of celebrating this very special day.
But I'm gonna miss it this year. =( Duhhh... for a dumb reason - working. Because my birthday fall on Monday this year. Will it be as blue as every other Mondays? Or... will my luck change to the better from tomorrow onwards? Yes Yes I think it will... somehow~!! Haha... good lucks are blew by angels, and they stick on people who could smile & shine as bright as them. =D
I woke up this morning, and visiting facebook was the first thing I did. *Eyes popping out* I saw several birthday wishes already! First thing came to my mind was... "What date is today?" LOL. I double checked the calendar, and was relieved that I did not magically skipped a day. *Phew* XD
And got my Baby's poems on facebook too... Here it goes...
If the Time Now
If the time struck midnight now, I would be smiling and wishing you,
If the time were 2 months ago, at your convocation I was, hugging you,
If the time were 4 years ago, we would be celebrating not together with you,
If the time were 22 years ago, opened your eyes for the first time, did you,
But if tomorrow would be my last day, today definitely will be the best day, for you.
I would not feel regret that our first birthday wasn't celebrated together,
I just knew that we have a whole lot and a whole bunch of time together,
I felt that across boundaries of eternities and challenges we faced together,
That there are more better to come and this is only the beginning of our together,
Nevertheless, I know tomorrow is not my last day because I planned much more ahead together. - Seraph 09
In Conjunction With Your 22nd Birthday, Dear Michelle, I give this to you,
If the road ahead is not so easy,
Our love will lead the way for us,
Like a guiding star,
I'll be there for you if you should need me,
You don't have to change a thing,
I love you just the way you are,
So come with me and share the view,
I'll help you see forever too,
-- Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You --
Time and tide waits for no man,
Love and life holds for no soul,
Beats and Claps stops for no song,
Fame and Fortune comes when you least expect it,
Solutions and Ideas appear when you don't feel it,
But me and you, we stick together through time and tide,
Love and Life, Beats and Claps, in hopes that we have the,
Solutions and ideas, to achieve fortune and fame,
For I think that you are the one to show determination and effect,
To achieve what that is the best in life. - Seraph 09
It's quiet this year.
Kind of... Welcome to the 21st century~! A century dominated by electronic communication devices and means like facebook & twitter, that arguably made communication in our lives much more easier... and quiet... Ahahaha...