Mid Valley
Sis & I started our mission, or rather my sis's mission - Shop for cosmetics. *whistle* Time for a girl to grow up huh! XD jkjk...
So coincidence, that Maybelline, partnering with Watson, was having a roadshow @ the concourse of Mid Valley. And so, we headed towards the said area to check it out... And something interesting got my sis to embark on a never before experience!

Maybelline was actually having special promotion on that particular day...
Promo 1: Purchase RM 80 & above of Maybelline products and get a free makeover & photo shoot *so familiar right dear fellow MYC!*
Promo 2: Purchase a mascara and get a free pouch *in pretty dark purple color... ahh... suit my sis*
Sis purchased RM 100++, just enough to get promo 1. But then she wanted promo 2 as well for the purple pouch, yet too bad we disliked the mascara... wait a moment... the sales girl gave her one! How kind she was~! =P
After making payment... the experience started...
Before the makeover

While sis was having her makeover, boring-me surveyed around the concourse area...
Here's how Maybelline's booth looked like.

After the makeover... Sis looked terrific!
At least I thought so... But sis didn't really like it *shrugs*

Time for the hairstylist to do her magic on my sis's hair... XP

At last~! The photo shoot~! Haha... sis felt so awkward facing the camera...

Tada~! The result of the whole process... printed in an A4 sized photo paper...
not bad actually! =)

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